Delta-8 Tetrahydrocannabinol commonly known as Delta-8 THC is a cannabinoid that is naturally produced by the cannabis plant. Delta-8 unlike other cannabinoids such as Delta-9 THC which is easily described as a more potent version of Delta-8 THC is produced by the plant itself.
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Green Leaf Plus is proud to announce exciting new projects including Delta-8 THC products: the perfect balance between the psychoactive effects of Delta-9 THC and the non-intoxicating effects of CBD. With leafy8 Brand products, you can enjoy all the benefits of Delta-8 THC without the worry of "anxiety" or being "couch-locked". Read more and explore our new projects today!. We offer leafy8 Brand products in out store which contains ,0.3% Delta-9 THC by dry weight in accordance with federal regulations.
Based on the limited available research and customer feedback, Delta-8 products might be a viable choice for persons who:
Struggle with Depression
Ease pain relief
Increase appetite
Who have benefited from utilizing Delta-9 THC but don't like the strong high or stoned sensation it causes.
Fun fact
Delta-8 THC is derived from CBD, which is a legal form of cannabis known as hemp. It is advised to start taking Delta-8 in tiny doses to prevent experiencing a powerful "high," as the potency of the psychotropic effects vary from person to person.